Generalities about the Zaags apps.
Zaags is a customizable and fully personalisable web-app designed for restaurants and many other types of businesses to streamline their digital operations. The app centralizes and aggregates functions like menu management, ordering, payment, and loyalty programs. In the app, an icon or tab that redirects the users towards the google rating page is included as well as another for location. The WiFi tab(or icon) allows customers to easily obtain the details of the local WiFi, without needing to ask the staff. There are many other functionalities such as photo sharing, links to all social networks. It also provides data analytics and customer communication tools. To learn more, please visit If you’re interested in creating an app for your restaurant, you can use this link
The zaags app is very versatile, it can be called by a smartphone using the camera function to scan the dedicated QR code or by a link (URL) that can be used in many places such as google places, Instagram (with only one link, a business can show all his digital products) and many other !
Client panel for Zaags apps
to access the client panel you need to open your app (not the website) then click on the silhouette icon at the bottom right. remember, the client panel is NOT in the website itself. if you have never used or claimed your app you will be prompted to do so and create a password (please note you have to be the owner or manager of the business to do this). after this initial registration this icon will send you directly to your client panel where you can change the design of your app (choose the display which can be a grid of icons, swipable icons or bars you can also change logos, colors, background picture among other things)
The zaags wbesite is not to be confused with the apps. in the website visitors have general information about the product. each app is dedicated to one business and while the app is detined to be used by clients of the business, it is also from there that the business can access his own client panel.
Zaags app provides a variety of design options that can be customized according to your restaurant’s branding and style. You can choose from different themes, color palettes, fonts, and layouts to create a look and feel that reflects your brand. You can also add your own logo, images, and videos to make your app more engaging. Additionally, the app allows you to customize the menu categories, items, descriptions, and prices to match your restaurant’s offerings. To learn more, please visit and check out the various design options that are available. Design options include “swipe” icon, grid of icons, and bars. There is a default proposed upon creation of the app on the website but this design can be changed easily in the client panel in tab “app setup” there is an accordion that is called “design” where many options are proposed
Zaags allows you to personalize your app:
Add your logo (if we haven’t already found it upon app creation)
Use a background image (if none is selected, the background colour is used – Nota, we apply an opacity to the image or the colour, you can of course change it but the results prove better with the default opacity level)
Changing the order in which of icons appear in the app is also done in the client panel, under accordion with title “active icons” just drag and drop the boxes that are functionalities, the order you chose in client panel is exactly that wil be shown in the app.
the apps can be activated or deactivated, the sharing of the information is also sharealble by activating the option for each function in the client panel
another great feature is the locking of functions: these functions will appear but the customer who wants to access it must enter his login details. these details are then collected and are visible in the “data” tab of your client panel. allowing to re-matket existing custommers
Commands and Client-panel tab (for app owners)
Create a private icon (see separate section below)
Add an App Manager (give access to client panel to a third party)
Quick Actions (For APP OWNERS)
From the Menu in the App (scan it as would a client do) this icon takes you to the most useful “quick Actions” popup (login required)
This allows you to activate/deactivate or lock
existing functionalities in seconds.
You can also reach your client panel tabs from there
You can also upload photos to add to your slider (this slider can be activated as an icon and appear in the browser/full screen view) of the app
Pricing of zaags apps
Zaags app is free, it comes with small advertisment at the bottom – however there is a plan that allows to remove these ads, it is a yearly plan. we also suggest that you
Pricing of NFC cards
the price of the cards can be found in the shop page of